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Congregation Ministries

Mission Team Support Group

Our Mission Team Support Group provides opportunities for growth and nurture of all of our members by creating a sense of service outreach community. Here we discover Christ living in our members' lives.

The Mission Team Support Group is the vehicle by which the entire congregation can be involved in the service outreach ministry of the church. Team and church members grow, are nurtured, and participate in the expansion of Christ's work through the Support Group .

If you are a member of a Mission Team or you would like to support the work of the Mission Teams, we invite you to join the Support Group.

The specific purpose of a the Mission Team Support Group is "to experience, nurture and support in order to express our faith in Jesus Christ in mission and service outreach to those beyond the church."

The Mission Team Support Group meets the fourth Sunday of the month at 12 p.m. in the church Lounge.


St. Timothy is blessed with excellent musicians in its choirs and ensembles. Music helps us to express what cannot be put into words alone. Everyone is welcome to join any of our musical groups, and we encourage people to participate as much as their schedules allow, whether it’s all year, or just for special services.

Senior Choir—The Senior Choir sings for the glory of God, supports the singing of the congregation, and offers appropriate music during worship services. This choir is open to everyone from middle school age and older, and meets in the church sanctuary every Wednesday, September to June, from 7:30 to 9:00 pm. The choir is open to everyone who can sing in tune and enjoys singing. The Senior Choir sings in church almost every Sunday and for special services during Lent and Christmas.

Children’s Choir—The Children’s Choir gives young singers the opportunity to be an important part of the worship service. This is done by having them offer their music in the church service once a month. The choir is made up of all the children in Sunday School. They meet every Sunday, September to June, at 9:30 am in the Choir Room for 15 minutes of singing and praying together before their Sunday School classes. All children are welcome!

Bell Choir

The Bell Choir provides an opportunity for ringers to present music in the worship service approximately once a month to glorify God. This choir rehearses in the church sanctuary from 6:45 to 7:15 pm two Wednesdays a month and before the Sunday service in which they play. The Bell Choir is open to everyone from grade four and older who enjoys hearing the bells, and like to play them.

Praise Band

Glorious Day, St. Timothy's Praise Band, leads our Sunday worship one Sunday a month. They provide an upbeat, energetic worship experience. The band also plays for special events and participates in other events throughout the Lehigh Valley.

Bread of Life Ensemble

The purpose of this group of guitar and percussion players is to accompany the contemporary services throughout the year for God's greater glory. It is open to anyone who enjoys playing guitar or percussion. Rehearsals are held as needed.

Instrumental Ensemble

The Instrumental Ensemble provides an opportunity for instrumentalists to use their talents for the glory of God. It is made up of anyone with at least two years’ experience on a brass, woodwind, or percussion instrument. They present appropriate music at the 8:00 pm Christmas Eve service and at the 10:30 am Easter service. Rehearsals are held in the fellowship hall following worship services four Sundays prior to Christmas Eve and four Sundays before Easter.

Covenant Brass Instrumental Ensemble

The Covenant Brass was originally formed out of our Covenant relationship with First Presbyterian Church of Allentown, Episcopal Church of the Mediator, and Saint Thomas More Roman Catholic Church. This group of musicians provide special music at the four congregations’ worship services during the holiday seasons and other special occasions.

Sunday School

Sunday School—Sunday School for children of all ages is held Sunday mornings from 9:00 a.m. to 10:15 a.m. in the Fellowship hall.

Adult Forum—The Adult Form meets from 9 to 10 am on Sunday mornings in the Lounge. The group studies and discusses various religious and social subjects. Everyone is invited to join the group on Sunday mornings. See News & Events for upcoming topics.

Endowment Fund

The Endowment Fund is a program designed to enhance the mission outreach of St. Timothy church apart from the general operation of the congregation. Grants are made for individual development and use that will enhance the outreach programs of the church.

Eucharistic Ministry for Homebound Members

St. Timothy Eucharistic Ministry provides the Eucharist to members of the congregation who, for health or age reasons, are unable to attend our Sunday morning worship. There are five teams of lay members who supplement the pastor's five Holy Communion visitations per year to the homebound with five more of their own. The Holy Communion kits are filled with the elements of bread and wine during the first Sunday Eucharist of each month, to reflect to the homebound how they are still part of the St. Timothy community.

Please contact the pastor if you feel a calling to participate in this ministry.

Mutual Ministry

The Mutual Minstry group consists of the pastor, two members of church council, and two persons from the congregation and the chair person. Except for the pastor and chair person, members serve only for two or three meetings. The group meets quarterly to support, affirm and informally evaluate the ministry of the pastor, to share joys, concerns and dreams for the future of St. Timothy congregation in a relaxed setting.

Women of the E.L.C.A.

Women of the E.L.C.A. meetings are held in the lounge on Tuesdays at 7 pm (check News & Events for a schedule). They share devotions and have a presentation, a speaker, or entertainment.


PALS (People Against Loneliness) was formed in 1986 as a ministry to those in situations of grief and loss. It is a grief support ministry to the whole person, offering emotional and spiritual support, as well as information about physical, economic and legal impact of death on the "surviving spouse."

In addition to providing support for people experiencing a loss, the group has luncheons, invites speakers, attends plays, has picnics, make trips together, and lunch together after church services.

The group meets the second Friday of each month at 1 p.m. in the church Lounge.

Parish Nursing and Congregational Health Ministries

What is Health Ministry?
Health Ministry, as understood in the Christian and Lutheran tradition, is a living witness to the healing activity of God that encourages whole-person health through integration of body, mind and spirit; increased self-knowledge, personal responsibility, and interdependence among God's people.

What is a Parish Nurse?
A Parish Nurse is a registered professional nurse who serves as a member of the ministry staff of a faith community to promote health as wholeness of the faith community. The Parish Nurse serves through the independent practice of nursing as defined by the nurse practice art in the jurisdiction in which he or she practices and the standards set forth in "Scope and Standards of Parish Nursing Practice" published by Health Ministries Association, Inc., and American Nurses Association.

A Parish Nurse is…

  • A Health Educator, discussing health issues and promoting wellness
  • A Personal Health Counselor to the elderly, to parents and men over 40
  • A Teacher of Volunteers
  • A liaison with community health organizations
  • A clarifier of the close relationship between faith and health, dealing with losses, fears, doubts, lack of faith
  • Does not provide medical care

Social and Family Programs

The congregation at St. Timothy Lutheran Church has many social events and programs. Among them are our Triduum (Peach Festival, FunFest and Sunday Outdoor worship) and our Mardi Gras celebration. There are a number of other social gatherings such as the pot luck meals we have at our Congregational Meetings. Many small groups also have social events. Some of these events are depicted pictorially elsewhere on this site. Watch for some new events planned for the coming year!


The St. Timothy Hospitality Committee organizes refreshments for various events such as baptisms, new member receptions, when we gather in grief over the death of a member, and many other special occasions.

Quilting Ministry

The ladies of our congregation meet twice monthly to assemble quilts that are given to the local shelters and hospitals.

Book Discussion Group

The Book Discussion Group independently reads selected books and then meets to discuss them.


T.O.L.I.P. (Taking Others to the Lord In Prayer) is an intercessory prayer group that prays dailiy for people's needs and concerns. They also include each member of the congregation in their weekly prayers.

For more information about our prayer ministry please click here.

3D (Discovery, Devotion, Discipleship)

Women on a FAITH JOURNEY meet throughout the year to share small group bible study, prayer, social gatherings and outings. They meet several times each month to discover God's truths while providing support to one another.

Property Committee

The Property Committee inspects the building and grounds and ensures they are properly maintained. The committee meets the second Tuesday of each month at 9 a.m. Extra work days are planned for repairs, clean-up and general maintenance as needed. We encourage anyone who is interested to join the committee.

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Local Ministries

St. Paul’s Breakfast Team

The St. Paul’s Breakfast Team joins with the Lehigh County Conference of Churches to help prepare and serve breakfast on the third Sunday of the month at St. Paul's Lutheran Church at Eighth and Walnut Streets in Allentown, Pennsylvania. The breakfast is part of the Ecumenical Soup Kitchen. The Soup Kitchen serves hot, well-balanced meals on a daily basis. The Soup Kitchen is staffed by volunteers from churches, synagogues and community groups from around the Lehigh Valley. The Soup Kitchen provides meals to more than 15,500 people annually, including 1,500 children.

St. Timothy Lutheran serves a breakfast of eggs, bacon, toast, juice, coffee and buns to about 100 adults and children on an average Sunday morning.

Click here for pictures of the team at work!

Daybreak Mission Team

Daybreak is a program of the Lehigh County Conference of Churches that reaches out to individuals who are active in or have successfully completed treatment for mental health/mental retardation, HIV/AIDS, and/or drug/alcohol abuse. The program provides life skills training, talk time, membership and three meals daily.

The St. Timothy Daybreak Mission team prepares and serves a warm dinner meal to an average of thirty to thirty-five needy persons on the third Thursday of each month to an average of 30 to 50 individuals. The cost of the monthly meals is underwritten by individual members of the congregation.

For more information about Daybreak
Click Here

Quilters Morning Circle

The Quilters Ministry was begun in 1991. The first year the quilters made 29 quilts which went to Lutheran Relief. The group currently makes 12-15 quilts a year which are given to the American Red Cross for local distribution to those in need as the result of fire or natural disaster.

The group also made over 100 tote bags for the Children's Program and 8 aprons for the Children's Book Program at Lehigh Valley Hospital.

During 2006 the group completed five baby-size quilts that were all hand quilted. They also made 15 large bed-size quilts that were machine sewn and hand tied. One baby quilt was sold to help cover the cost of batting materials. All of the remaining quilts were donated to the local Red Cross Chapter for disaster relief.

The group purchases their own batting, but are always looking for donations of scrap material that can be used to create new quilts.

The groups meets in the lounge on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 9 a.m. They frequently bring a light lunch and work until early afternoon.

Click here for pictures of the quilters.

Allentown Area Ecumenical Food Bank Team

Members of St. Timothy Lutheran regularly bring much-needed non-perishable foods for the Allentown Area Ecumenical Food Bank. The Sunday School children each bring an item as part of their weekly offering. Each year we supply over 150 bags of groceries to the Food Bank. Additionally, team members provide packing services for the food bank on the 5th Wednesday of the month (when that occurs) to pack an average of 90 bags per session for needy people. The team is known at the food bank as the “Fast Packer Team.”

Christmas Ingathering

The Christmas Ingathering is an effort of the Lehigh Mission District of the Northeastern Pennsylvania Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. The purpose of the Ingathering is to brighten the holy season of Christmas for our Christian brothers and sisters who have special needs. Each congregation collects needed items for distribution to the following community service organizations:

Allentown Rescue Mission
Allentown State Hospital
Cedarbrook (County Home)
Community Service Center
Downtown Ministries
Good Shepherd Home—Keenan House
Lehigh County Juvenile Center
Sixth Street Shelter
Topton Home
Turning Point

The items are collected by the churches and delivered to St. John's Lutheran Church, Emmaus where a service of blessing and dedication of the gifts takes place. The items are then distributed to the locations shown above.

For a complete list of the items on the Ingathering list Click Here.


The CROP Hunger Walk is a community action effort to raise funds to fight world hunger. Various churches and organizations raise awareness and funds for international relief and development by sponsoring "walkers" either through a per-mile or flat contribution for walking in the CROP Walk. St. Timothy Lutheran serves as the start and finish point of the annual Walk.

Souper Bowl of Caring

The "Souper Bowl of Caring" is held on the same Sunday as the NFL's Championship Game and is traditionally led by youth and scouts who stand at sanctuary exits following worship services and collect $1 or more from each parishoner. The money supports local, national, and international anti-hunger efforts.

Community Support

The following is a list of some of the community organizations that we support through various means including providing a location for meetings, etc.

Cub Scouts
Boy Scouts
Girl Scouts
Venture Crew
District Polling Place
Neighborhood Crime Watch
Mental Health Support Group
Amnesty International
Alcoholics Anonymous
Family Life Services (Counseling)
Hiking Club
Chess Club

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Worldwide Ministries

St. Timothy Lutheran is involved with many ministries worldwide. These ministries are coordinated through a number of church-wide ministries such as…

Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

Lutheran World Relief

Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service

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Our Newsletter

St. Timothy Evangelical Lutheran Church publishes a newsletter eleven times per year (monthly, except August). The links below connect to copies of the most recent issues. The files are in Adobe Acrobat pdf format. If you don't have Adobe Acrobat Reader on your computer, you can download a free copy directly from Adobe at the link below.

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For more information on our newsletter, or to be added to our mailing list, please complete the request form on the “How To Reach Us” page.

Our Current Newsletter

December 2018 (2.7 Mb)

Previous Issues

November 2018 (2.2 Mb)

October 2018 (3.8 Mb)

September 2018 (1.8 Mb)

July-August 2018 (2.6 Mb)

June 2018 (1.9 Mb)

May 2018 (2.7 Mb)

April 2018 (2.5 Mb)

March 2018 (2.3 Mb)

February 2018 (5.3 Mb)

January 2018 (4 Mb)

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  Revised 11-28-18  
© 2011 St. Timothy Evangelical Lutheran Church
140 South Ott Street • Allentown, Pennsylvania 18104
610-435-6512 • Fax 610-435-4541
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