St. Timothy Lutheran Church


Church Front View

St Timothy Evangelical Lutheran Church

140 South Ott Street
Allentown, PA 18104


*   Handicapped Accessible

The peace of Christ be with you!

God welcomes everyone, and so do we.


The Service of Holy Communion begins at 9:30 a.m. each Sunday for our Summer Schedule.(June 16th-September 1st/Labor Day Weekend)On the first Sunday of the month the music normally is led by our Glorious Day praise band.

The Service of the Holy Communion begins at 10:30AM each Sunday during our Fall/Winter/Spring schedule. 
On the first Sunday of the month the music normally is led by our Glorious Day praise band.


Core Values of St. Timothy Church:   The congregation of St. Timothy, in our Annual Congregational Meeting on January 22, 2023, affirmed the following values as the core values of our congregation.  They will serve as guides for decisions about mission direction, ministries, and strategic planning
  • Joyful response to the Spirit of Christ
  • Active love within our church family
  • Deep partnerships that bring hope and healing
  • Compassionate service to communities near and far
  • Faithful and generous use of our gifts and resources

COVID Protocols:

The protocols while in St. Timothy’s building are as follows:

- Anyone who is not feeling well or who knows they have been exposed

to COVID is asked to stay home until it has been determined that

they are COVID-free.

-The wearing of face masks is voluntary.

(Masks are available in the narthex, should you need one.)


Sunday School and Adult Forum


These learning opportunities are available again at 9:00 a.m. each Sunday beginning September 8th, 2024.

There is something for everyone, so please join us as we seek to learn, ponder faith and life, and grow in spirit.

Classes for children and youth meet on the lower level of our building. You may enter off of the parking lot or by

the upper level, front door. Younger children through elementary school age will engage in age-appropriate lessons

and activities related to the Sunday lectionary readings.

Junior high and high school level youth will follow a Bible-survey course that invites them to apply the Scriptures

to their daily lives.

St. Timothy’s Adult Forum meets in the lounge on the upper level of our building.

All are invited to take part in the learning and conversation on various themes relating to our faith.

 On the first Sunday of each month, the worship will take place outdoors, in the field across from the church building.
Music will be provided by our praise band, "Glorious Day"

(Should the weather be inclement, we will move the service indoors.)

On all other Sundays, the worship service will be held indoors, in the nave.

Please use the Ott St. entrance, and please follow the COVID protocols noted above.

All are welcome 





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St. Timothy is a partner and one of the host congregations of Family

Promise of Lehigh Valley, a charitable organization which seeks, without

judgment, to help families who are experiencing homelessness.

For more information and/or to offer support, please visit the

Family Promise of Lehigh Valley website,


Family Promise of the Lehigh Valley supports children experiencing

homelessness and their families. Since their inception in 11/2018 they have

served 31 families. In September they enrolled their first prevention

family and have now prevented 9 additional families from being homeless.




St. Timothy: Ministry of the Month – 2023


This year, St. Timothy Church continues its “Ministry of the Month” effort in which a specific social
ministry or justice effort is named as a focal point for each month. Check out the websites of these life-
imbuing organizations.

 - Allentown YMCA Warming Station                                 
The Allentown YMCA Warming Station, open each night, November 1 through April 30, from 7:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m., the Y's Warming Station

provides shelter, food, and a safe place for those experiencing homelessness in Allentown.  The goals are to always greet guests with kindness,

to provide a safe place for them to sleep, and to offer a dignified sense of community for neighbors in need. The Y also serves healthy, prepared

meals Mondays through Fridays to Warming Station guests.

You may support the Allentown YMCA Warming Station by becoming a volunteer.
To learn more, Contact Tim Larney at

The NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) Lehigh Valley.  

As stated on the NAMI LV website, “Mental illnesses are brain    disorders that are biologically based medical problems. Untreated, they can cause severe disturbances in thinking, feeling and relating. This results in substantially diminished capacity for dealing with the ordinary demands of life.  Mental illness can affect persons of any age and occur in any family. They are not caused by bad parenting and not evidence of weakness of character.”
NAMI is “dedicated to improving the quality of life for people with mental illness and their
 families through support, education, and advocacy.”  For more information about NAMI,
go to their website,

Allentown Area Ecumenical Food Bank  

The Allentown Area Ecumenical Food Bank is Allentown’s only daily food bank, assisting families in need from Monday through Friday. Every  dollar of your support helps provide this crucial support to approximately 57,000   people each year. 

 For more information, please visit the website,

"Daybreak" - Conference Kitchen ministry of the Lehigh Conference of Churches  

The Conference  Kitchen  ensures that the working poor, homeless, elderly, children, people between jobs, individuals on fixed incomes, and those who have nowhere else to turn can   receive a free nutritious meal, three times a day, five days a week.  Volunteers help prepare and serve the food.

For more information visit the LCC website:  OR

Dubbs Memorial Community Center
457 W. Allen Street, Allentown, PA 18102         

Community Action Lehigh Valley  

Community Action Lehigh Valley is an anti-poverty nonprofit serving the greater Lehigh Valley through programs focusing on Youth, Neighborhood

Revitalization, Housing, Food Access and Nutrition, Business Start-up & Development, & Advocacy.

The mission of Community Action Lehigh Valley is to improve the quality of life by building a community in which all people have access to economic opportunity,

the ability to pursue that opportunity, and a voice in the decisions that affect their lives.

For more information the website is:

A logo for an older company
Description automatically generatedLehigh Valley Aging in Place


Lehigh Valley   Aging in Place (LVAIP) has been a resource   helping families help seniors since 2005. The annual resource guide provides information   regarding over 100 members serving senior needs, with 10,000 guides    distributed yearly! 

In 2018, LVAIP    hosted the Senior Expo, bringing over 200 professionals together in one space for the public, another valuable annual resource.   For these and   many other reasons we invite you to join our membership or use our resources!

ShareCare Faith In Action

ShareCare Faith in Action 


Mission:   ShareCare Faith in Action provides free volunteer  services to elderly or  disabled persons in order to enhance quality of life.  * We serve people regardless of race, sex or religion.   * We do not evangelize or convert.

Our services are not designed for medical or emergency care.

ShareCare Services  We improve quality of life of seniors in the Lehigh Valley and promote independence by   helping with: Transportation and Escort, Door to Door  /  Visitation  /  Shopping  Caregiver Canines® (Visitation with Therapy Dogs)  /  We provide one-on-one caregiving assistance. There is no fee for our services.

You Can Reach Us At:       ShareCare Faith In Action            610-867-2177           321 Wyandotte Street
                                                   Bethlehem, PA 18015

Meals on Wheels of the Greater Lehigh Valley

Meals on Wheels of the Greater Lehigh Valley    



At Meals on Wheels of the Greater Lehigh Valley, we care for and support some of the most important people in our community.  We provide homebound  senior  citizens and adults with disabilities with home-delivered meals, grocery shopping and other services. Most  importantly, we  provide them with the kindness and respect that they deserve.

If you are interested in Volunteering for Meals on Wheels of the Greater Lehigh Valley please call Melinda or Dawn at 610-691-1030.

For more information  The Main office is located at 1302 N Sherman St
Allentown, PA 18109  Phone: 610-691-1030—
Hours Mon – Friday : 7:30 am — 3:30 pm
The Meals on Wheels of the Greater Lehigh Valley website  is:
They can also be found on Facebook.

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Promise Neighborhoods of the Lehigh Valley


The mission of PNLV is to foster cooperation among residents within the Greater Lehigh Valley to create safe, healthy, vibrant, inclusive neighborhoods, where children succeed in school and where adults and families thrive and want to live.

Led by Executive Director, and community organizer, Hasshan Batts, and a volunteer board directors, PNLV is located at 333 W. Union Street in Allentown. More information can be found on its Facebook page, Instagram, Youtube and


Previous Ministries of the Month

 Lutheran Disaster Response                                               
To learn more, go to


NAACP ALLENTOWN—UNIT 2247                                        

Contact info:        P.O. Box  9418;  ALLENTOWN, PA, 18105  --  (610) 797-1107             

Web Site-  OR email to




Miller-Keystone Blood Center                                            Text
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Please also consider becoming a blood donor.

More information can be found at x


Wildlands Conservancy                                                      Wildlands Conservancy Logo  

Wildlands Conservancy main office is at 3701 Orchid Place, Emmaus. 

Learn much more about Wildlands Conservancy by exploring their website    




LAMPa                                                                                    LAMPa Logo

Lutheran Advocacy Ministry in Pennsylvania (LAMPa).

LAMPa serves as a State Public Policy Office of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
LAMPa’s mission statement is, “In response to God’s love in Jesus Christ, we advocate for wise
and just public policies in Pennsylvania that promote the common good.”  Learn more about
LAMPa by going to the LAMPa website.

Bethany Christian Services.                                                         Betahny Christian Services Logo


The mission statement of the organization is: “Bethany demonstrates the love and compassion

of Jesus Christ by protecting children, empowering youth, and strengthening families through

quality social services.”  Learn much more about Bethany Christian Services by going to their website.

Communities in Schools - CIS.                                                         Communities in School Logo


The mission of Communities in Schools is to surround students with a community of support, empowering them to stay in school and achieve in life.

CIS works to ensure that every child has these five basics”: a one-on-one relationship with a caring adult, a safe place to learn and grow, a healthy
start and a healthy future, a marketable skill to use upon graduation, and a chance to give back to peers and to community. Learn much more
about CIS of Eastern PA by going to their website,

VAST – Valley against Sex Trafficing.                                             Communities in School Logo


“Through collaboration, education, and advocacy, VAST empowers survivors and encourages the community to take action in the anti-trafficking movement.”
Their vision is to “eliminate human trafficking end sexual exploitation.” Learn much more about Valley Against Sex Trafficking by going to their website.


Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service (LIRS)..                 LIRS Logo


“For more than 80 years, LIRS has offered welcome and hope to more than half a million refugees. Since 1939, LIRS has transformed lives, with the support of
people like you, to welcome the most vulnerable to the United States — from sea to shining sea. Together we have
supported, equipped and empowered these new Americans, while advocating for policy that protects all of God’s children.

Valley Health Partners..                                                                 Valley Health Partners Logo


“Valley Health Partners Community Health Center (VHP) is a nonprofit organization recognized as a Federally Qualified Health Center Look-Alike (FQHC-LA).
An FQHC-LA is a community health center that provides comprehensive primary care and other services, and does not turn patients away based on their ability to pay.
Valley Health Partners provides “Street Medicine” which is founded on the idea that everybody matters.
For more information on Valley Health Partners, please visit their website:

Habitat for Humanity..                                                                    Habitat for Humanity Logo


“Habitat for Humanity of the Lehigh Valley's mission is to help families in need. Not with a hand out, but with a hand up. “Habitat’s affordable, no-profit house payments
free up money for food, child care, medicine and other necessities. And research has shown that decent housing improves health, increases children’s
educational achievement, and strengthens community ties.
To learn more about Habitat for Humanity LV, go to their website:

LWR - Lutheran World Relief..                                                       Lutheran World Relief Logo


Lutheran World Relief (LWR) tackles global poverty by helping people adapt to the challenges that threaten their livelihoods & well-being. LWR works with people based on need,
regardless of race, religion, or nationality. “Founded [in 1945] by Lutherans in the US at the end of World War II, grounded in Lutheran theology & building on decades of experience.
To learn much more about LWR, please go to their website:






Welcome to St. Timothy's Little Free Library

A bench in front of a building
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What is a Little Free Library?

It's a take a book, return a book gathering place where neighbors share their favorite literature and stories.

In its most basic form, a Little Free Library is a box full of books where anyone may stop
by and pick up a book (or two) and bring back another book to share. You can too!

We invite you to bring a book you enjoyed to share with neighbors and to borrow a book from
this Little Free Library as often as you like. You don't need a library card and there is no cost.

Now open so take a book, return a book.

Happy reading!